
anak-anak kucin

hmm, sume ank kucing dah mati, termasuk si comot tu, baru sahaja di jumpai mati di atas rak hitam...dye mmg agak nazak, dgn senggenit atas badan isap darah dye, cacing byk dlm perut dye, so, mmg mati sbb parasit la kan...


tinggal seko je lagi yg warne kelabu tu... tgk la dye idup ke tak... hahaha~

-takde perasaan :P-


karaoke... berasal dari perkataan jepun yang bermaksud orkestra kosong. well, bahase pasarnye karok la.. the thing is, now, i'm addicted to karok. oh god, dlm kpale asik nak karooooookk je ingat. hoho. tak puas2 karok, x penat. nak2 plak da jmpe port karok murah. haha,

puas bile dapat menjerit n nyanyi puas2, x kesah la sedap ke tak, tapi yang penting seronok, ntah... karok buat aku rasa happy giler. mase pagi kamis 19.4 tu bangun2 je rase happy. bukan happy nk amik sijil MAC, tapi happy x saba nk abis MAC g karok. hahahahha, sengal tak? ahhh... aku tak kisah, janji i enjoy my life.. :D

p/s: berorkestra kosong makes my life complete~ ;)



cute nye budak niiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha, suke giller tgk muke dye, comel2~ hehe, n my fav video clips ~

waiting outside the lines
You never enjoy your life
Livin' inside the box
You're so afraid of taking chances
How are you going to reach the top?

Rules and regulations
Force you to play it safe
Get rid of all the hesitation
It's time for you to seize the day

Instead of just sitting around
And looking down on tomorrow
You gotta get your feet off the ground
The time is now

I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting
I'm waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines

Try to have no regrets
Even if it's just tonight
How you gonna walk ahead
If you keep living blind

Stuck in the same position
You deserve so much more
There's a whole world around us
Just waiting to be explored

Instead of just sitting around
And looking down on tomorrow
You gotta get your feet off the ground
The time is now, just let it go

I don't want to have to force you to smile
I'm here to help you notice the rainbow
'Cause I know what's in you is out there

I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting
I'm waiting, waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines

I'm trying to be patient
Each step is the hardest
I know you can make it
Go ahead and take it

I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting
I'm waiting
I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting
I'm waiting, waiting outside the lines

Waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines

You never enjoy your life
Livin' inside the box
You're so afraid of taking chances
How are you going to reach the top?


Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang. 19/4/2012 boleh dikatakan merupakan saat2 paling indah dalm hidup aku~ :D
suke sangat2 bile dah jumpe balik kawan2 yang sudah agak lama ditinggalkan, satu batch berkumpul balik, saat2 pakai jubah, naik pentas amik sijil, walaupun aku x spm ag, hehe... sebnanye aku x terlibat pn dgn MAC nie, sbb ak x spm ag. but, i'm graduated from school right? so, why i cant get on stage too? hoho... so, i called pihak pengurusan sekolah and requested to join the program... hehe, happy sgt spanjang2 2 hari with them. 

kitorang, always kitorang. macam mana kitorang kat sekolah dulu, mcm tulah jugak kitorang kt sekolah sekarang. hehe, dulu, sekarang dan selamanya, sentiasa datang lambat, then, panjat pagar n tingkap asrama, klua dm paling lambat, hahahaha... x pnah terlepas dari buat salah, dulu smpi sekarang, kitorang jlah bdak2 nakal yang buat mende2 nyh... dah graduate pn same je... hehehe...

time amik sijil, name aku yang first dlm senarai, suk seblah audi, aaargghh, lupe nk pandang camera mse tuh, siot, hmm,, xpe lah. ntah cmne la gmba aku nnt. tgk dlm file, HAHAHAHAHAHA! sijil kosong!?!?! haha, x kesah la, janji aku graduate. ckgu  zamimah amik balik sijil tu, nk uruskan, dah siap dye g tau. hmm, ok what~ nk balik tu, kutip la sijil2 yang x amik ag, memento, amik duit RM30 cagaran asrama? apetah, janji dpt duet.. huu~~ 

mase pergi hari rabu tu, karok, tp x puas sbb ramai sgt, sore sendiri pn xdnga, balik pn karok jgak, this time puas la, sbb for the first time aku dah berani nk nyanyi lg pompuan yg memerlukan vokal n pitch yg tinggi. n berjaya!!! wahahaha! aku n pipa, dua org je, ok la, puas seyhh.. 3 jam. 10 hengget je, murah siot. dgn air refill byk2 kali. untung seyh sana... 

stat karok pukul 3, abis kul 6, sampai sini dalam pukul 7 kot... hmm, bosan balik dah. anyway, my MAC is one of my best experience and i will remember forever. Revivena+! friends till jannah~

i luv Revivena+ forever! <3



helo-helo blog saye!! haha, lame giler berkurun tak bukak blog ni.. x berupdate, dah berhabuk dah.. hehe, masalahnye da tak tahu nk post tntang ape... then jarang sgt on9, da malas nk on9 first sbb bosan, then laptop ni lambat sgt nk bukak, internet sangatlah slow. and many other factors~ hoho,

so, sekarang, kehidupan aku, aku dah stat study, walaupon takde mud, aku try pakse diri utk study, tp study sendiri kt umah, xde exam, cm xde cabaran, nak2 plak subjek2 fakta, aduh, ntah bile la aku pnye otak nk hafal mnde ni, dah 2 tahun, masuk taun ni 3 tahun blaja, still x egt2 lg... so, disebabkan oleh kelemahan diri ni, kene jgak la study kan? kang lama2 otak berkarat pulak... hehe, so kene ade disiplin diri la, alhamdulillah, stkt ni ikot lg, sehari wajip pegang buku, jgn buang mase, wlupn br bulan 4, mmg ade byk mase lg, tp stat lg awal lg bagus,, kan? dah la xde ckgu, blaja sendiri. yang penting semangat kena kuat! jgn putus asa.

banyak org2 cakap and aku jumpa sendiri, straight A+ x membawa apa2 makna dlm kehidupan. rezeki masing2 jugak, nak2 plak aku ni pompuan, mmg susah la nk dpt peluang. dgn sijil koku aku pon, x sekolahnye. tp aku yakin je, segala perancangan yang Allah dah buat utk kite semua, yakin Allah knows the best. xkesah la aku pnye result nty mcm mna pon, for now, i just want to focus on my SPM, and aim for the best. wlupn bile aku bkak fb, tgk kt group revivenat sume dah dpt ini, itu, isi borang ni, borang tu, interview ni, interview tu... memanglah rase sedih, sbb x dpt bersama2 dengan orang yang seangkatan dgn aku, sedih x dpt amik SPM dgn teman2 seperjuangan, terpaksa sorang2 usaha sendiri, walaupun aku hanya dapat melihat dan tertinggal jauh di belakang, tapi aku kuatkan hati dan percaya, kita hanya merancang, Allah yang menentukan, banyak surat2 tawaran dtg, call2, msg yg sampai, bg offer ini itu, tp kite ni SPM pn x lepas lagi, xpe, kite focus SPM je dulu rite myself? hehe... bg aku, rezeki kawan2 aku dpt interview sume tu sbg dorongan n cbaran utk bjaya dlm SPM taun ni.

waktu aku daftar utk SPM as private candidate tu, aku tgk byk lg orang yang senasib dgn aku, malah lagi besar dari aku. kawan aku kt tusyen, fatimah, sekolah al-ameen, swasta, sah2 la aku x mampu nk masuk sana, aku bukannya orang senang. dye kate, ade je yang umo 18, 20 br nk amik spm, sbb dye? baru klua pondok la, br balik mesir... wau... so, aku x de la rase keseorangan sgt. ade je yang senasib dgn aku, malah yg lagi ketinggalan pon. dorang percaya je yg segala2nya dah ditentukan, dpt family support, as well as me :). so, aku xde lah rase teruk sgt, just bile tgk kwn2 sume dah lepas, agk sedih la, sbb ketinggalan sikit, xpe, yg aku tau, blaja je,, teruskan perjuangan... :) and belive that Allah's help is everywhere as long as we always doa to Him because He know everything in our heart~

put your trust on HIM,
raise your hand and pray~